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Monday, 13 August 2012

Check Your Hard Drives Health and solution to fix it

An easy way to find out how to fix hard drive failure is to run the CHKDSK, Check Disk, utility.
This is a Windows application that allows you to scan your hard drive for errors.

Often using this utility alone will allow you to fix hard drive problems and restore the hard drive to its peak performance. This works by marking error zones and instructing your computer to skip over or repair them.

Here is how:

1. Open the Computer folder.

2. Select your hard drive, right click the hard drive icon.

3. Choose Properties.

4. Click the Tools tab.

5. Click the Check Now button.

6. For a thorough repair click "Automatically fix file system errors" and "Scan for
and attempt recovery of bad sectors"

7. If you see new dialog window, click "Schedule disk check" to start.

The solution is to Organize Fragmented Data

How to defragment:

1. Open the Start Menu

2. Click on Computer

3. Right Click your C: drive or your hard drive image.

4. Scroll down to the Properties and Click.

5. In the Properties Menus, Open the Tools menu.

6. Choose Defragment Now.

7. In the Disk Deframenter menu. Click on Defragment.

Take Out the Trash

Now that your files are in order and you have enabled your computer to fix hard drive
errors, its time to clean up your newly defragmented data. All files are stored in one or more places on your hard drive.

Here is how:

1. Click Start.

2. Choose Programs.

3. Open Accessories.

4. Choose System Tools.

5. Click Disk Cleanup.
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