Best Hacks

Monday, 13 August 2012

Yahoo Chat Commands:

Yahoo Chat Commands:

1) /join [room] go to what ever room you wish

2) /invite [buddys name] sends invitation request

3) /tell [user] [message] private messages a friend

4) /follow [user] follows a friend

5) /stopfollow [user] stop following someone

6) /stopfollow [yourname] to stop them from following you

7) /goto [user] enters the room the user is in

8) /away [off] turn your private messages back on

9) /think [message] (type this to think what you want

10) /ignore [list] list everyone who you are ignoring

11) /ignore add [user] add someone to your ignoring list

12) /ignore [add all] ignores everything going on
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