any one hacked aircel internet here the trick ive done download a uc browser from to phone and instal it u must have a internet pack of present day expiring. now open uc browser go to menu settings-
preferences- scroll down there ul get "keep alive" just tick it and press save now by doing tis ur browser dosent give up net connection even ifu r not using net the inet pack expire at midnight but u can browse more by this the net connection wil give up only if u clore uc browser and now u cant get connected freely again make sure u dont have money in ur account try it say about it
preferences- scroll down there ul get "keep alive" just tick it and press save now by doing tis ur browser dosent give up net connection even ifu r not using net the inet pack expire at midnight but u can browse more by this the net connection wil give up only if u clore uc browser and now u cant get connected freely again make sure u dont have money in ur account try it say about it
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